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"The Geostel Brownbook -- Better Guide To Astrocartography Maps"

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The Serious Flaws Of  Astrocartography Maps

1. When you move you acquire new Houses and new House Rulers. The Houses control the various realms of your life: Relationship, Money, and more. ACG and other linemaps leave out the most critical information about your new Houses.

2. Everybody has a "Money House" wherever they live. ACG maps leave out all information about the new Money House. You may move and acquire a terrible Money House. You may even end up leaving one that is much better!

3. In every location you have a particular ruler of the Marriage & Partnership House. ACG maps leave out all information about this ruler. If the ruler is disturbed, marriage/partner will be disturbed and disturbing.
4. Everyone has a House of Children in whatever location they live. The condition of this House tells whether you can have children, or not. If you already have children, your new 5th House will tell the story of how your children do -- while you live there. If you have children and move accidentally to downgrade your 5th House -- you will regret it.